Dessert Overdose At Coachella!

If you’re looking for some of the craziest foods in America, it turns out that you just need to go to Coachella. I mean, you can go for the music, but have you seeeeen the food they’re serving? Yeah, about that. Take a look at some of this stuff. It’s wild.


Being in the sun all day will naturally bring flavors cream, duh. But not just any ice cream. The good stuff. Crazy flavors rolled in practically any cereal you could think of. And they don’t skimp on the scoop size either. Clearly.


Love ice cream but want a little less cream, and a lot more...churro? You got it. Right here at The Churro Bar.


Or get your ice cream in the form of a taco. Don’t forget to top it with cookies, cereal, cake, and of course, chocolate syrup. 


If you decide you need a little break from ice cream (you’re crazy), chow down on this waffle lollipop. No fork necessary. 


And you can also get that waffle pop shoved in a milkshake. And you still don’t need a fork. Just a big straw. Maybe two if you feel like sharing.


Don’t get sick of ice cream just yet, because these milk buns (similar to donuts) also come filled with the dairy goodness. 


When the day is done and you’ve realized you’ve had 9 billion grams of sugar and you just want a piece of fruit (it’s still sugar, relax), dig into an acai bowl. 

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Do you feel a cavity coming on? I think I do. If you’ve been to Coachella, tell me the best thing you ate!
