How To Make Fluffy Japanese Pancakes

I posted the picture below back in August and let me just say...people went insane about it. I'll be honest, I did not take the photo and couldn't find the owner to give proper credit. A LOT of people slid into my DMs asking more questions about how they could make this and where they can eat it. I'm still getting messages about these Japanese Pancakes and this blog post will explain everything!

Also, an easy way that I like to save $$$ while shopping for all the necessities for a new creation is by using ebates, now Rakuten. Honestly, I’ve saved hundreds of dollars by enabling the google chrome extension. Never pay for full price folks.

There are variations of these Japanese pancakes and here are some recipes you should definitely try!

Extra thick and fluffy Japanese pancakes

Look at these Extra Thick and Fluffy Japanese Pancakes! Is your mouth watering? Mine is. These pancakes were a big indulgence and may have cost me a few calories, but it was so worth it. This special treat tasted truly amazing; they were super soft, fluffy, spongy, thick, and oh-so-delicious!

Japanese Souffle Pancakes - Kirbie's Cravings

These Japanese-style Souffle Pancakes are incredibly light and fluffy. They are a popular trend in Japan, but you can recreate them in your own home. As you may recall, during my trip to Tokyo, I had the most incredibly fluffy souffle pancakes at Gram Cafe. I've been wanting to recreate them ever since.

Item's you need: 

Now the question of the century is...WHERE can I eat them? Well, the most realistic answer is that Japanese Pancakes can be found in none other than....Japan! I'm still on the hunt to find some near me in SoCal. If you do want to know the exact locations of where to find these in Japan here's a list: 

Hello, World!

Super Fluffy Pancakes in Tokyo

Pancakes are the world popular breakfast or dessert. But did you know some pancakes in Japan are slightly different from the ones you can find in other countries. When you come to Tokyo, you must try these extra fluffy pancakes everyone uploads on Instagram!

Are you dreaming of devouring these Japanese Pancakes? Drop a comment below...

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