Load Up On Carbs With These Outrageous Waffles!

Ever looked at a waffle and thought “Hey, wait, this is just a pancake with abs?” No? Oh, come on, that was funny. Today is National Waffle Day and I can’t get enough of these carbs, carbs, carbs. I’ve seen them sweet, I’ve seen them savory, but best of all, I’ve seen them HUGE. What’s better than a stack full of waffles drizzled in maple syrup, cinnamon sugar, fresh fruit, and...oh I should stop. ::wipes drool from keyboard::

To celebrate the day, I scoured instagram for some holiday approved waffles that’ll make you say WOW. Grab me a fork, I am READY!


Who needs a wedding cake when you can have a waffle cake? Yes, a waffle cake. Brb, getting engaged real quick.



Now, this...this is a waffle monstrosity. Where does one even begin? Glad there’s a cake on top of those waffles, because I really needed more carbs in my life. Whipped cream optional.



I can never have enough waffles. No really, I always want s’more.


When you can’t decide, get ALL the waffles.



Is that a Hershey bar sticking out of your waffle or are you just happy to see me?



This plate will have you saying “I love you a waffle lot.” #foodpuns



Roses are red...and so are these red velvet waffles. Topped with cereal for good measure




Which one are you ready to stick your fork into?


Check out my Instagram account for all the sweet tooth greatness! 

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